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Events and Contests

Ever After Farms offers many competitions and events to be a part of. All of our contests are Equine Focused. Check out upcoming and past events below.

Jorvik Medieval Fair

Taking place at Ever After Farms, Jorvik Medieval Fair combines historical equestrian events with elements of fantasy and fun. There are a variety of events as well as venders to participate in throughout the festivities.


Festivities will take place from October 1st-31st. Photoshows are available throughout the event. See below for dates and required attire.




OCTOBER 1ST: Horse Painting Contest

Using horse-safe paint, draw on your horse and create any design you would like! You may use them as a canvas, draw designs, or paint over the entire horse.

Outfit Requirements: None

Tack Requirements: None, ribbons and decorated mane and tail optional.

Location: Valedale Arena

Hashtag: #EAFPAINT19



LARPing, or live action roleplaying, is an event where you dress up as a character you create and act as them during a predefined storyline. For this event, we would like you to create a character for you and your horse and show us your costumes as well as a description of your backstory. You must use medieval costumes, but can dress up as fantasy creatures such as elves or fairies. For more information, please google larping. As larping is generally non-competitive, this is soley a photoshow and you will not be judged on conformation. Tack should be baroque or medieval. Outfit Requirements: Standard riding gear.

Tack Requirements: Medieval or baroque saddle

OR sidesaddle OR bareback,

any bridle, decorations optional

Location: Anywhere in Hollow Woods

Hashtag: #EAHLARP19


October 9TH: Mounted Swordsmenship

Participants will show off their skills as swordsmen by slashing through potato sacks while on horse back. Participants are expected to canter to the potato sack and slice through the target. Participants are judged both on photos and descriptions. Clean Slice: 10 Points Half Slice: 7 Points Knicked Slice: 5 Points Outfit Requirements: Standard riding gear

Tack Requirements: Medieval or baroque tack.

Location: Valedale Arena

Hashtag: #EAFSWORD19


October 13th: Sidesaddle Dressage

articipants should demonstrate their knowledge of sidesaddle riding through various dressage maneuvers. Participants are expected to (in any order): Make a 20 meter circle. Make at least one lead change. Demonstrate evenness through the walk, trot, and canter.

Outfit Requirements: Riding jacket with a hat or bonnet, circle skirt OR slacks.

Tack Requirements: Sidesaddle, snaffle bridle, mane should be braided.

Location: Valedale Arena

Hashtag: #EAFSIDE19


October 17th: Ring Jousting

articipants are expected to drive a lance through a series of hoops. As hoops get smaller they are worth more points, and it is more difficult to collect them. Horse should be pushed forward at the canter. Optionally, riders can earn additional points by catching rings that are thrown into the air.

Outfit Requirements: Any riding attire.

Tack Requirements: Medieval or baroque tack.

Location: Valedale Arena

Hashtag: #EAFJOUST19


October 21st: Banner Race

Participants will engage in a race over one Kilometer (~0.6 miles) while carrying a banner that they may select. This is to replicate what a bannerman would do during medieval battles. The banner creates drag and can make it difficult for a horse to run at full speed. The horse may do this activity at any gait. The banner must remain unfurled throughout the remainder of the race. Dropping the banner will result in disqualification.

Outfit Requirements: Any riding attire.

Tack Requirements: Baroque or medieval saddle. Decorations are optional.

Location: Anywhere in Hollow Woods.

Hashtag: #EAFBANNER19


October 25th: Mounted Archery

Participants must shoot arrows at targets while cantering on horseback. Participants should stay within 60-65 meters of the target while moving perpendicular to them.

Outfit Requirements: Standard Riding Attire

Tack Requirements: Medieval or Baroque Tack

Location: Valedale Arena

Hashtag: #EAFARCHERY19


October 30th: Costume Contest

Participants can dress their horse up however they would like. They will be judged on the most creative costume. Particpants can be mounted, dismounted, or leading the horse. All costumes are allowed, and are not limited to medieval or fantasy costumes.

Outfit Requirements: Any Costume

Tack Requirements: Any Costume

Location: Valedale Arena

Hashtag: #EAFCOSTUME19




Featured Creators:


Ever After FArms


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